Learn about funding opportunities for research institutions, hospitals, companies (SMEs) and other stakeholders in the area of medicine and therapeutic development. Invitation to IMI2 Program IMI2 The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) www.imi.europa.eu is Europe’s largest public-private partnership in life science. It is jointly run and funded by the European Commission and the European Federation of […]

Forskningsrådet, Legemiddelindustrien, Inven2 & Helse SørØst inviterer til heldagsmøtet «Mål og visjoner for kliniske studier i Norge – fra ord til handling» hos Forskningsrådet tirsdag 20. januar 2015. Påmeldingsfrist 14. januar 2015. Det foreligger i dag flere gode initiativer og tiltak som bidrar til å øke den kliniske forskningen i Norge. Samtidig har Norge fått sin […]

NORA and Oslo Cancer Cluster are co-organising a workshop centered on upcoming EU funding opportunities in Artificial Intelligence. The event will feature presentations on AI topics from Cluster 4: Digital, Industry, and Space within Horizon Europe and The Digital Europe Programme, followed by discussion in breakout groups. The workshop is brought to a close by […]