Dagens Medisin inviterer til DM Arena: Kreftkonferansen 2014 Daglig leder i Oslo Cancer Cluster, Ketil Widerberg vil innlede til debatt om “kreftforskning og kliniske studier”. Se fullstendig program og meld deg på her.
Pharma and biotech companies’ interested in collaborating with the Norwegian Cancer Genomics Consortium and/or MetAction projects – please contact mbl@oslocancercluster.no to set up a one-to-one speed dating meeting. You may find information on the Norwegian Cancer Genomics Consortium here and the MetAction projects here.Register hereDownload program as pdf hereProgram: Moderator of the day: Professor Gunnar […]
The Research Council’s Programme for Publicly-initiated Clinical Cancer Studies invites to a seminar on personalized medicine. Please find more information on program and registration here.
Norsk Biotekforum og TFS Trial Form Support inviterer til møte nr 2 av 4 i 2014 i møteserien om klinisk utprøving. Detaljert program. Påmelding: KLIKK HER. PROGRAM12.00 Registrering og rundstykker/frukt 12.30 Velkommen v/Jan Hellqvist, Managing Director, TFS Northern Europe