Dagens Medisin inviterer til DM Arena: Kreftkonferansen 2014 Daglig leder i Oslo Cancer Cluster, Ketil Widerberg vil innlede til debatt om “kreftforskning og kliniske studier”. Se fullstendig program og meld deg på her.
You are invited to join the December Gathering & Introduction of New Members 2021 – A Digital Event. Each year, Oslo Cancer Cluster (OCC) gathers fellow stakeholders from OCC Innovation Park, colleagues from the oncology community, and members for an annual year-in-review and opportunity to network. There will be an option to join on-site at […]
Are you interested in how we can take advantage of artificial intelligence (AI) in the healthcare sector? At the Intelligent Health Conference 2024, you will hear about the latest advancements, gain insights, and be a part of discussions focused on AI in healthcare. The conference will explore how: AI can be used for the development […]