PDT/PCI application grant 2021
Radforsk annually distribute funding to photodynamic therapy and photochemical internalization (PDT/PCI) related research. Application deadline will for 2021 be January 15. Please note that one project will be chosen to receive a larger project grant on 1,25 MNOK per year for 3 years, in this application round.
Radforsk has one main call for applications for funding for research projects relating to PDT or PCI each year:
- The maximum amount that can be applied for per project is NOK 300,000, and the total amount to be awarded for all projects is NOK 1,250,000
- Funding for a larger project will be announced every other year, 2019, 2021 etc:
The chosen project will be awarded a total amount of NOK 3,750,000, NOK 1,250,000 every year for three years without sending new applications - All Oslo University Hospital employees can apply for funding
- The deadline for the call for applications will be 15 January 2021
Applications, containing a description of the project, may be sent to:
Bente Prestegård: bp@radforsk.no
If you have received a grant for PDT/PCI projects previously, you must provide a project report with your new application.
- Please read more about the granted projects for 2020
- Please read more about the granted projects for 2019
The objective for Radforsk is to advance cancer research and contribute to better and more effective diagnoses, treatment, care, and prevention of cancer. Research funding is one of several instruments Radforsk has and uses to reach these goals.
Radforsk’s board of directors has decided that funding will be announced for research projects in the areas photodynamic therapy (PDT) or photochemical internalisation (PCI). This decision is due to a prior agreement involving Photocure from when Radforsk was technology transfer office for the Norwegian Radium Hospital.