Norwegian Investment Forum is the largest venture conference in Norway and attended by more than 200 participants. This is an exclusive opportunity to meet the leading Norwegian investors and Nordic investors to share information and know-how about prospects, trends and key issues, and to make new business contacts. General Manager in Oslo Cancer Cluster, Ketil […]
Legemiddelindustrien, DNB Healthcare, AbbVie, Novartis og Pfizer inviterer til: A partnership for life ll – Hvordan utvikle en sterk norsk biotek- og helseindustrisektor? Vi har gleden av å invitere deg til seminaret «A partnership for life» den 12. februar i Forskningsparken i Oslo. Program og påmelding Norge trenger fremvekst av nye næringer, og helseindustrien gir […]
Welcome to the conference “Belgium & Norway Life Sciences day: Exploring the future of health and biotech” ! The conference is one of the key events scheduled during the Belgian Economic Mission which will take place in Oslo from the 17th to the 19th of June and will be presided over by H.R.H Princess Astrid […]