Oncology IMPACT

Understanding biology – Improving outcomes

The aim of this meeting is to focus on some of the major challenges that are confronting clinicians and scientists in the current efforts to develop and implement novel drugs in cancer treatment, and to discuss recent developments that may provide strategies to overcome obstacles to therapeutic progress. A faculty of internationally renowned leaders in their respective fields will present their insights and provide a forum for in-depth discussion.

Scientific Steering Committee: Thoralf Christoffersen, Steinar Aamdal, Olav Dahl, Vasanti Natarajan
Supported by Roche Norge.


08.30−09.00 Registration

09.00−09.20 Welcome and introduction
Thoralf Christoffersen, University of Oslo, Norway

09.20−10.20 Tumour metastasis: moving new biological insights into the clinic
Yibin Kang, Princeton University, USA

10.20−10.40 Refreshment break

10.40−11.40 Strategies to overcome resistance to targeted therapies
Pasi Jänne, Harvard Medical School, USA

11.40−12.40 Tumour heterogeneity and the implications for targeted therapies
Charles Swanton, University College London, UK

12.40−13.30 Lunch

13.30−14.30 Immunotherapy: are we ready for prime-time?
Drew Pardoll, Johns Hopkins University, USA

14.30−15.40 Keynote lecture: Re-engineering the tumour microenvironment to enhance
cancer treatment – from bench to bedside to biomarkers
Rakesh Jain, Harvard Medical School, USA