A very happy DoMore Diagnostics team. From left: Chief Technology Officer Sepp De Raedt, CEO Torbjørn Furuseth, Head of Quality and Regulatory Elisabeth M.J. Klaussen, Senior Software Developer Goran Kovacevic, and VP Operations Andreas Berg Storsve. Photo: DoMore

DoMore Diagnostics secures EUR 10 million grant

In a great achievement, DoMore Diagnostics, a pioneering company in cancer diagnostics, has been awarded the prestigious EIC Accelerator grant.

The EIC Accelerator Grant consists of EUR 10 million (EUR 2.5 million in non-dilutive grant and EUR 7.5 million in equity matching). It signifies a financial injection and a resounding validation of the company’s groundbreaking work in improving cancer care worldwide. Recently we had a talk with CEO Torbjørn Furseth about the great news.

Team effort and Champagne

Competing with nearly 1100 applications vying for recognition, DoMore Diagnostics stood out as one of only two Norwegian companies to receive this coveted grant. CEO Torbjørn Furuseth expresses immense pride in the team’s effort, highlighting the significance of the achievement in their journey towards revolutionizing cancer diagnostics.

DoMore Diagnostics CEO Torbjørn Furuseth. Photo: DoMore

Speaking on the celebratory note, Torbjørn Furuseth shared: “We celebrated with champagne in our morning meeting, and there is a lot more to come!” The joyous occasion marks a testament to the dedication and hard work put forth by the entire team.

DoMore Diagnostics at a glance

For those unfamiliar, DoMore Diagnostics emerged from the DoMore! Lighthouse research project at the Institute of Cancer Genetics and Informatics, Oslo University Hospital. The company is dedicated to leveraging artificial intelligence to revolutionize cancer diagnostics, aiming to simplify personalized treatment decisions for all cancer patients.

Their flagship product, Histotype Px® Colorectal, is a CE-IVDD marked digital biomarker designed to inform treatment decisions following surgical resection of colorectal tumours. By accurately predicting patient outcomes, this innovation aims to reduce unnecessary treatments and their associated adverse effects, thereby improving patient care significantly.

Significance of the grant

Receiving the EIC Accelerator award is nothing short of a game-changer for DoMore Diagnostics.

CEO Furuseth shed light on the meticulous application process. We were chosen as one of 42 companies from a total application pool of 1083 in a rigorous three-step evaluation process that included a substantial research and business case and commercialization proposal. That culminated in a panel interview by scientific and industry experts, and life science investors.

The blend of grant and equity matching makes it particularly attractive for early-phase companies like us, so we decided to put a significant effort into the application process, said Furuseth.

Furuseth further shares how being in the Oslo Cancer Cluster ecosystem has played a significant part in this process.

“Being a part of Oslo Cancer Cluster has helped DoMore to become aware of the opportunities for public support and how to increase the chances of success.” Torbjørn Furuseth

Plans ahead 

The awarded funds will play a crucial role in furthering DoMore Diagnostics’ mission. The focus will be on developing essential datasets to quantify the health-economic benefits of their biomarker, paving the way for widespread clinical adoption across Europe and the US.

In the long run, the implications for patients can be profound. With over a million colorectal cancer patients awaiting better biomarkers for personalized treatment decisions, the impact of DoMore Diagnostics’ innovation cannot be overstated. With the support of the EIC Accelerator program, DoMore Diagnostics plans to accelerate its efforts, driving innovation in healthcare and improving outcomes for cancer patients worldwide.


The post DoMore Diagnostics secures EUR 10 million grant first appeared on Oslo Cancer Cluster.

Number of applications for clinical trials in Norway 2013-2023. Source: The Directorate for Clinical Products.

Advancing Cancer Research in Norway: Eli Lilly’s SUNRAY-01 Study

Eli Lilly selected Norway as the site for its groundbreaking study project, SUNRAY-01, despite the recent year’s decline in applications for clinical cancer trials.

This study examines the efficacy of the drug candidate LY3537982 on advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with a specific genetic alteration. and represents a significant advancement in health research and treatment for patients with KRAS G12C mutations, potentially reshaping the treatment landscape for this specific patient group.

The KRAS G12C mutation is a specific alteration in the KRAS gene, often associated with certain cancers such as non-small cell lung cancer. This mutation plays a significant role in promoting the growth and spread of cancer cells. Researchers are exploring methods to block or inhibit the effects of this mutation.

Decline in trails

Recently, Norway has experienced a notable decline in the number of applications for cancer clinical trials, dropping from 158 in 2022 to 98 in 2023. Lars Petter Strand, Senior Medical Director for the Nordics at Eli Lilly, voiced concern, noting,

Lars Petter Strand. Photo Eli Lilly

“We observe that the number of cancer clinical trials in Norway has significantly decreased.” He highlighted the global trend of increasing clinical trials in countries like the USA and China, contrasting with the reductions in most European countries.

Norway’s participation in Eli Lilly’s SUNRAY-01 study indicates a positive shift. Lars Petter Strand attributed the decision to several favourable trends in Norway’s healthcare system, including initiatives like CONNECT, IMPRESS, InPRED, and NorTrials, which have enhanced infrastructure and processes, making Norway an appealing destination for clinical trials.

Positive outlook for patients

Bjørn Henning Grønberg, Head of Department for Translational Cancer Research at St. Olav Hospital, one of the 7 hospitals selected for this study, emphasized the importance of such studies, stating, “It is always welcome to offer study participation to our patients.” The proportion of lung cancer patients with KRAS mutations eligible for targeted treatment through this study exceeds those eligible for other targeted treatments.

One of the most exciting and significant aspects of this study is its focus on finding targeted treatments for KRAS mutations, which currently aren’t as effective as other options available.

Patients with this mutation respond to immunotherapy, unlike those with EGFR and ALK positives, making it an interesting combination to explore. However, in the past, this has been challenging, as the combination of KRAS inhibitors with immunotherapy was too toxic, says Grønberg.

Challenges and opportunities

Despite these positive developments, Norway encounters challenges in maintaining its attractiveness for clinical trials. Strand emphasized the importance of addressing barriers such as delayed introduction of new treatments, lengthy approval processes, and capacity constraints in diagnostic tools at hospitals.

The roadmap for the health sector, a strategic document guiding sector development, underscores the significance of clinical trials in health research. While the government has set ambitious goals for increasing clinical trials, collaboration across sectors and collective efforts are essential to address challenges hindering this vital part of medical research.

A roadmap for the health industry

Oslo Cancer Cluster General Manager Ketil Widerberg emphasizes that this new study aligns well with the Norwegian government’s aspirations for a national health industry and ongoing efforts at Oslo Cancer Cluster to foster innovation and collaboration within the cancer research field. It represents a crucial step towards advancing cancer care and supporting Norway’s health industry growth.

Widerberg stresses the importance of patients accessing the latest treatment, doctors and researchers gaining insights into the latest technology, and the development of the Norwegian health industry, as Norwegian centres of expertise gain international visibility.

Crucial collaborations

To attract more clinical trials to Norway, stakeholders must collaborate effectively, as Lars Petter Strand highlights. It requires creating sufficient resources in hospitals, facilitating efficient communication between the pharmaceutical industry and healthcare institutions, and streamlining startup processes. Improved communication between the pharmaceutical industry and hospitals is essential, as demonstrated by Eli Lilly’s collaboration with NorTrials during site recruitment for this study.

Collaboration between industry players, research institutions, and government bodies is crucial for advancing cancer research. Initiatives like NorTrials facilitate this collaboration, ensuring nationwide access to cutting-edge treatments, says Strand

The post Advancing Cancer Research in Norway: Eli Lilly’s SUNRAY-01 Study first appeared on Oslo Cancer Cluster.

The agreement was signed 19 Desember 2023. From the top left: Guro Bjøntegaard, Managing Director of AstraZeneca Norway, Per Morten Sandset, Professor/Vice-Rector at University of Oslo, Leif Rune Skymoen, CEO of LMI, Idar Kreutzer CEO of NHO, Magnus R. Björsne, CEO BioVentureHub, Christine Wergeland Sørbye, CEO of Oslo Science City, and Ketil Widerberg, General manager of Oslo Cancer Cluster. Photo: LMI

Unique collaboration to build Nordic health industry

A new collaboration agreement between AstraZeneca, Oslo Cancer Cluster, and Oslo Science City aims to strengthen the Nordic health industry by facilitating closer collaboration between researchers, startups, and pharmaceutical companies.

This is a translation of an article in Norwegian, written jointly by Oslo Science City and Oslo Cancer Cluster. The Norwegian version can be read on Oslo Science City’s webpage

The focus on investment in the health industry in Norway gained momentum after Minister of Trade and Industry, Jan Christian Vestre announced at the Norway Life Science conference in February 2023 that the government would develop a roadmap for the health industry.

In June, the health industry was selected as the fourth national export promotion initiative under the export reform “All of Norway Exports.” Two months later, Vestre and Minister of Health and Care Services Ingvild Kjerkol presented the roadmap, outlining 41 measures and 12 focus areas aimed at the sector developing drugs, medical devices, and digital tools.

Ahead of this year’s Norway Life Science conference, the Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, Oslo Cancer Cluster, and the innovation district Oslo Science City are following up with a collaboration agreement to strengthen contacts and cooperation between Norwegian and Swedish research and innovation environments. The agreement will facilitate Norwegian startups’ access to residency at AstraZeneca’s innovation hub, BioVentureHub, in Gothenburg. Simultaneously, Swedish companies will have the opportunity to reside at Oslo Cancer Cluster and collaborate closely with their environments in cancer and precision medicine, as well as the outstanding research groups from the Radium Hospital, part of Oslo University Hospital, and the University of Oslo, which are gathered in Oslo Science City.

“It is important for AstraZeneca to contribute to the success of new startups and to strengthen the entire Nordic health industry. Therefore, we are very happy to participate in this collaboration, which will benefit all parties and build the Nordic region`s position internationally as a leading region in health and life sciences.” Guro Bjøntegaard, Managing Director of AstraZeneca Norway.


Industrial expertise and international connections

BioVentureHub was established in 2014 as an open and internationally oriented innovation ecosystem based on a public-private partnership model. Here, promising startups and research groups in Life Sciences can access office and laboratory space close to AstraZeneca’s strong professional communities and advanced research infrastructure.

Overview of building blocks at night

AstraZeneca BioVentureHub is a not-for-profit innovation hub offering an inside track to AstraZeneca’s scientific expertise and facilities, for academic groups and small and medium-sized enterprises. It is integrated at the heart of AstraZeneca’s R&D center, in the new emerging life science ecosystem, in Gothenburg. Photo: AstraZeneca

“For our company, it is crucial to maintain close contact with the companies and knowledge communities that contribute to pushing the knowledge frontier in the fields we work in. Some of these companies and environments end up entering formal collaborations with AstraZeneca, but the most important purpose of BioVentureHub is to create a professional meeting place for creativity and innovation,” said Bjøntegaard.

From the Norwegian side, Oslo Cancer Cluster will have the role of identifying the companies that are offered residency in BioVentureHub. General manager Ketil Widerberg points out that promising Norwegian startups often lack industrial expertise and an important link to the international market:

“International collaboration is essential to scale up Norwegian startups. BioVentureHub can connect our start-ups to international value chains, and it is only a short train ride from Oslo. I think that will be quite effective!” Ketil Widerberg, Oslo Cancer Cluster


Lifting the entire Nordic region

The parties to the agreement also want to involve Innovation Norway, whereby Norwegian companies staying at BioVentureHub can apply for support during their residency. In the long term, the goal is also to involve Vinnova, Innovation Norway’s Swedish sister organization, in the collaboration.

“Health technology is an important Norwegian export industry, and at Innovation Norway, we encourage this type of broad Nordic collaboration between industry, startups, and research environments. By building stronger collaboration between the governmental agencies responsible for grants and support in the Nordic countries, we can contribute to lifting the entire Nordic region.” Håkon Haugli, CEO of Innovation Norway.

Over several decades, Norway has invested significant public funds in health research, but Christine Wergeland Sørbye, Managing Director of Oslo Science City, points out that several analyses show that we have been less successful than other countries in using this research to develop new companies.

“There is great potential here for business development that will both create new jobs and benefit Norwegian patients in the form of new medicines and treatments.” Christine Wergeland Sørbye, Oslo Science City

“By strengthening the collaboration between research and business across Nordic borders, we shall realize this potential,” says Wergeland Sørbye.

The post Unique collaboration to build Nordic health industry first appeared on Oslo Cancer Cluster.

On 25 January, around 300 people participated in scientific sessions during the 16th edition of the conference Cancer Crosslinks, themed “Bridging innovations to improve clinical outcomes for cancer patients”. All photos: Margit Selsjord/ Oslo Cancer Cluster 

A peak into Cancer Crosslinks

World-leading translational cancer research entered Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park during this one-day conference and created a buzz.

Once a year, the Kaare Norum auditorium is filled with cancer experts, researchers, clinicians, and students. Numerous questions arose from an engaged audience during the scientific presentations and in the mingling areas during the breaks.

The best way of experiencing Cancer Crosslinks, meeting fellow cancer professionals, and exchanging experiences, was of course to participate in person. If you were prevented from attending, we have made this accessible picture special of the day.

Oslo Cancer Cluster EU advisor Marine Jeanmougin during one of the breaks.

“The Cancer Crosslinks educational series aims to make the latest translational research in Oncology and Haematology accessible to Norwegian researchers and clinicians. It is such a privilege to contribute to shaping the scientific programme and to dialogue with world-leading experts.”

Marine Jeanmougin, Oslo Cancer Cluster’s EU advisor and part of the scientific Cancer Crosslinks 2024 team.


Prof. Sonja Loges from Heidelberg University was the keynote speaker. She gave the audience an overview of the personalized oncology landscape in Germany, among other interesting topics.

On 25 January, around 300 people participated in scientific sessions during the 16th edition of the conference Cancer Crosslinks, themed “Bridging innovations to improve clinical outcomes for cancer patients”.

This edition covered a range of topics, including targeted treatments and immunotherapies, the role of new technologies in oncology, and the impact of tumour heterogeneity on clinical outcome.

Dr. Leo Rasche from University Hospital Würzburg was one of the speakers at Cancer Crosslinks 2024. He also participated actively in the audience.

The audience gained insights, for instance into how the composition of the microbiome can affect response to immunotherapy, and in the case of myeloma; how a single dormant cancer cell can cause a patient to relapse after 10 years of remission. Participants also got an overview of the personalized oncology landscape in Germany and heard how AI-driven innovations can change the way clinical studies are run.

Dr. Lisa Derosa from Institut Gustave Roussy and moderator Dr. Marte Grønli Cameron from Sørlandet Hospital on stage during the event.


Be part of the buzzing conversation next year. We are already planning for Cancer Crosslinks 2025!


There will be a new opportunity to be present in person next January when we arrange the 17th Cancer Crosslinks during the 10th anniversary of Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park.

Oslo Cancer Cluster team member Charlotte Wu Homme opening the day

Speaker Prof. Mihaela van der Schaar

Speaker Dr Raza Ali

Moderators Dr Fredrik Schjesvold and Dr Katrin Kleinmanns with speaker Dr Leo Rasche

Cancer Crosslinks 2024 participants mingling


Oslo Cancer Cluster team member Dave Tippett mingling with participants

Moderators Dr Marte Grønlie Cameron and Dr Vilde Drageset Haakensen

Oslo Cancer Cluster team member Bente Prestegård in conversation with participants

The post A peak into Cancer Crosslinks first appeared on Oslo Cancer Cluster.