A truly European advisor
Oslo Cancer Cluster
Marine Jeanmougin is the new EU advisor in Oslo Cancer Cluster. She defines herself as truly European.
“People outside Europe think of Europe as one destination. When they take a trip to a European country, they say they are travelling to Europe, and not to France, Germany, or Norway. This has influenced the way I see the continent as well,” said Jeanmougin.
The new EU advisor defines herself as European, and even beyond, as a citizen of the world. She has lived in Norway, Canada, and France, and has family and extended family around the globe.
“The way Europe is connected reinforces the feeling of it being one entity. You can always take a plane or a train for a couple of hours and be back home,” said Marine Jeanmougin.
Building bridges
With a PhD in Applied Mathematics, she knows the academic slopes from various institutions and countries. She has worked as a researcher at the Curie Institute in Paris, and at the Institute for Cancer Research in Oslo. In 2019, she secured a career grant from Helse Sør-Øst and established her own research team at the Department of Molecular Oncology, Oslo University Hospital. Her team is mainly exploring epigenetics heterogeneity in gastrointestinal cancers.
While working as the EU advisor in Oslo Cancer Cluster, she will keep conducting her research activities part-time.
Jeanmougin has a strong interest in building bridges between research and industry, and the EU advisor missions resonate strongly with her professional and personal motivations.
The advantages of the EU
“During the pandemic, and now with the war in Ukraine, it is so important to have one European system that protects us and gives us rights as European citizens, not just as citizens of separate nations,” said Marine Jeanmougin.
Part of what Marine Jeanmougin will do in Oslo Cancer Cluster, is related to these advantages that the EU grants researchers and businesses across its internal- and external borders. She will largely help connect the various actors of cancer research and innovation partners to support them in the development of project proposals under Horizon Europe, the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation.
If you have EU-related questions, please contact Marine Jeanmougin by email.