Precision Medicine Forum Berlin – Save The Date
Production for the Berlin Precision Medicine Forum agendas will commence in early 2024 and continue until the agenda is completed in summer 2024.
Speakers such as academics, clinicians, healthcare industry, policy makers and patient representatives are invited largely on the basis of recommendations by those active in the Precision Medicine community.
Hosting Three Events in one venue provides more choice for attendees, with the opportunity to attend presentations, panel discussions, round-tables and workshops across all Three Events, as well as plenary sessions and networking opportunities where all attendees are combined.
Taking a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, we have engaged key opinion leaders from healthcare, research, industry, payers, government and patient groups, in order to identify the essential topics and projects from across precision medicine to include in the agendas.
Please get in touch with Dave Tippett, advisor at Oslo Cancer Cluster, to learn about OCC member benefits pertaining to this conference.