
Nordic Life Science Days 2023

This year’s Nordic Life Science Days took place in Copenhagen on 29-30 November. Since 2015, Oslo Cancer Cluster has coordinated the joint booth Norway for Life Science, promoting the Norwegian healthcare and life science industry. This year together with Norway Health Tech, The Life Science Cluster, Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, Centre for Digital Life Norway, […]

Six-month milestone

The foundations of the ECHoS project are laid and Cancer Mission activities are speeding up in Norway.

Statsbudsjettet 2024

Her er de viktigste sakene i Statsbudsjettet 2024 for Oslo Cancer Clusters medlemmer.

Personalised medicine to relieve the health service

Smaller patient groups and targeted treatments are the future of cancer care in Norway. It is no longer a question of if but when personalised medicine will be a reality for all cancer patients in Norway. This was a key message in a recent meeting arranged by the public-private consortium CONNECT during Arendalsuka, where the […]